Crystal Lake Sidewalks - LAP, Polk County
This project is a Safe Routes to School LAP project for Polk County and includes constructing concrete sidewalks, crosswalks, mid-block crossings on five roadways in the community surrounding Crystal Lake Elementary School. The project required a lighting analysis report and coordination with Lakeland Electric for the construction of new street lights and upgrade existing fixtures.
Elgin Boulevard Sidewalk - LAP, Hernando County
This is a 2.5 miles of sidewalk project on Elgin Boulevard of Hernando County and includes reconstruction of multiple residential driveways, gravity wall, drainage modifications, along with signing and pavement markings. The project required coordination with property owners for the driveway modifications and with FDOT for the temporary construction easements.
SR 5 @ Mason Avenue and SR 5 @ Granada Avenue, FDOT District Five
For the two intersection improvement projects located on US 1 (SR 5) in Ormond Beach and the City of Daytona Beach, BES Inc will be providing signal and lighting design services. Lighting plans are being developed to accommodate the addition of turn lanes. Traffic was analyzed to develop appropriate storage lengths, signal phasing, and number of lanes for this intersection improvement project. Due to the projects being in the commercial area of the City of Ormond Beach and the City of Daytona Beach, community concerns regarding R/W acquisition are being taken into consideration to minimize corner clips for the signal poles while accommodating relocation of underground and overhead utilities.

SR 52 (I-75 to Emmaus Cemetery) Widening, Pasco County, FDOT District Seven
Due to a Development of Regional Impact, SR 52 is being widened to a four-
lane suburban section. The Traffic Control Plans are being developed by BES
Inc along with a new signal at the driveway of the Development at SR 52. The
Traffic Control Plans address the need to reduce speed due to roadway
geometry, utilizes temporary drainage and is staged to expedite construction
and maximize safety.
QC Services for Traffic Plans
As part of ongoing contracts with various consulting firms, BES Inc is providing QC services related to the engineering and production of traffic plans.

CR 578 Mariner Boulevard to Suncoast Parkway, FDOT District Seven
As part of a roadway widening project in Hernando County, BES Inc will be
providing design services for signing and pavement marking, signalization and
lighting of this roadway.
SR 40 from US 441 to NE 60th Avenue, FDOT District Five
Design services provided for this six-mile resurfacing project in Marion County include quality
assurance, computation book preparation, resolution of issues involving ADA compliance and general project management. Technical assistance was provided to manage the roadway design and signal loop replacements of this project that involved twelve miles; six miles included milling and resurfacing while the remainder of the roadway required replacing the friction course to improve skid resistance. An extensive field review with the City of Ocala personnel was done to ensure proper loop replacements per FDOT District Five standards.

SR 590 at Old Coachman Road, FDOT District Seven
BES Inc was responsible for roadway and signal design for this intersection
improvement project. Modifications included the addition of paved shoulders,
upgrading existing guardrail, extending a box culvert, installing a closed drainage
system and replacing a signal. Coordination with Pinellas County, the City of
Clearwater, CSX Rail, various utilities, and the FDOT was critical to resolve design
issues associated with mast arm foundation and alignment of arms over RR right of
way. All roadway and traffic engineering was executed by BES Inc as a prime
consultant. A feasibility analysis was also performed to determine the best alternate for
adding left-turn lanes along SR 590.
I-95 @ US 192, FDOT District Five
Located in Brevard County, this safety project involved the addition of auxiliary lanes on both
northbound and southbound off-ramps to avoid traffic backing up into the interstate. Project coordination with an ongoing construction project on US 192 and minimizing construction costs to the Department were some of the main issues involved. Assistance was provided during the development of roadway and traffic plans, specifications package, and general project management. A new signal was constructed for dual right lanes off SB I-95. This project was completed in an eleven-month period.

SR 40 from US 441 to NE 60th Avenue, FDOT District Five
Design services provided for this six-mile resurfacing project in Marion County included quality assurance, computation book preparation, resolution of issues involving ADA compliance, and general project management. Technical assistance was provided to manage the roadway design and signal loop replacements of this project that involved twelve miles; six miles included milling and resurfacing while the remainder of the roadway required replacing the friction course to improve skid resistance. An extensive field review with the City of Ocala personnel was done to ensure proper loop replacements per FDOT District Five standards.
I-275 (SR 93) - 62nd Avenue to Gandy Boulevard, FDOT District Seven
BES Inc provided signalization and signing and pavement marking design services on this project. This project involved the concrete rehabilitation of I-275 and asphalt pavement rehabilitation along Gandy Boulevard. A signal was replaced at the northbound exit ramp in the I-275 / Gandy Blvd. interchange. Due to the skew of the ramp, a diagonal mast arm was used to signalize two approaches. Guide signs (ground mounted and overhead panels) were replaced along with the upgrade of pavement markings to standards. Two traffic monitoring sites were replaced due to milling/pavement rehabilitation operations.

Manatee County ATMS RFP, FDOT District One
Field review, signalized intersection upgrades, and miscellaneous support services were provided for the development of a Design-Build Requirements Package for the construction of the Manatee County Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) involving over 225 signalized intersections, 53 CCTV locations and an upgraded communications system.
Traffic Impact Studies
BES Inc has performed numerous Traffic Impact Studies for different
types of developments ranging from single-family subdivisions to mixed-
use retail/office parks. In-house staff collected data such as turning
movement counts at critical intersections and approach counts at
arterials. The data was analyzed using SYNCHRO and recommendations
provided to maintain adequate Levels of Service in the surrounding
roadway network.

SR 60 - Woodlyne Blvd. to Brevard Avenue, FDOT District Seven
For this urban milling and resurfacing project in Hillsborough County, BES Inc provided design services in roadway and traffic disciplines. Pavement Design, Typical Section Package, and Project Design Report were some of the roadway tasks executed under this project. Signing, pavement marking, loop replacement, and traffic monitoring site design were provided on this urban arterial in downtown Tampa. Extensive coordination between the Department Railroad Coordinator and with the City of Tampa Traffic Signal section was undertaken to design pedestrian features at Willow Avenue due to the presence of a railroad.
SR 50 - CR 471 to Rital-Croom Road, FDOT District Seven
For this rural milling and resurfacing project in Hernando County, BES Inc provided services for traffic engineering. Signing, pavement marking, loop replacement, and traffic monitoring site design were performed for this 5-mile project. Since detailed topography was surveyed only for a section of the project, plans were developed utilizing field reviews, analyzing existing plans, and site measurements. Plans utilized a combination of plan sheets, tables, typical details, and sign line diagrams to convey construction requirements to the contractor.

SR 580 - Florida Avenue to 56th Street, Hillsborough County, FDOT District Seven
Seven span wire signals were replaced with mast arms along this arterial adjacent to Busch Gardens. The presence of utilities, tight R/W, and heavy traffic were challenging factors that were considered during the design of mast arms.
SR 549 (First Street) Complete Streets Design from Central Avenue to Avenue O
BES Inc is providing design services to FDOT District One in the City of Winter Haven, assisting them with their vision of updating the corridor to current FDOT and ADA standards within funding limits so as to allow the City to streetscape the facility as their funding allows in the future, fulfilling their Comprehensive Plan goals as a multi-modal, environmentally sound facility.
Wekiva 3B (SR 46 & US 441) ITS Plans
BES is preparing contract plans to install ITS devices along the SR 46 and US 441 corridor in Lake County, FDOT District Five as part of interchange improvements and widening of the roadways. ITS devices include cameras, MVDS and DMS signs. Coordination was required with the adjacent project to the east as the contracts are to be let together. Coordination with Lake County was also required as the ITS system provided drop cables and splices for the Lake County traffic signals.
I-295 Express Lanes
BES Inc is providing the lighting design for the widening of I-295 from the Buckman Bridge to west of the I-95 interchange. High mast lighting at the San Jose Boulevard, Old Saint Augustine Road, and I-95 interchanges were retained. Between these interchanges, roadside conventional lighting was used. The lighting design also includes underdeck lighting using pendant wall-mounts due to the widening of the interchange bridges. Lighting circuits were made available to accommodate any necessary sign lighting. The project length was 8 miles.
State Road 145 (Perry Street) from SR 30 (US 98) to SR 85 (Eglin Parkway)
BES is providing draining engineering services for the roadway milling and resurfacing improvements for this project. New sidewalks are being evaluated and designed for connectivity where it currently does not exist on the project. Additional improvements include drainage improvements to meet the ADA requirements. BES is coordinating stormwater permitting requirements with the NWFWMD and is the engineer responsible for the design and permitting of this project.
State Road 399 (Pensacola Boulevard)
BES is providing improvements consisting of milling and resurfacing at SR 30 (US 98) to the limits of state maintenance in Santa Rosa County. The project also includes ADA improvements along with safety improvement under the practical design guidelines. BES is coordinating stormwater permitting requirement with the NWFWMD. BES is the engineer responsible for the design and permitting of this project.
SR 45 at SR 20 Signalization Upgrade
In the City of High Springs, Alachua County, Florida, FDOT District Two, BES is preparing traffic signal re-looping plans due to the resurfacing of SR 45 through the City of High Springs. Improvements include the re-looping of all four intersection legs along with pedestrian signals and detectors to comply with ADA requirements.
State Road 574 (Reynolds Street) From E. of Turkey Creek Road to W. Of Thonotosassa Road
BES Inc is providing drainage engineering services for the bridge widening over Spartmen Branch Creek. BES is modeling the hydraulics analysis using the SWMM and preparing a Bridge Hydraulics Report in accordance with FDOT design criteria. BES is coordinating stormwater permitting requirements with Hillsborough County and SWFWMD. BES is the responsible engineer for the design and permitting of the bridge hydraulics design as a subconsultant to SRD, Inc. BES designed using ICPR Version 3 and SWMM-5 of a dual-pedestrian bridge crossing Spartman Branch to meet the existing 100-year design high water elevations. FEMA, HCDPW, & SWFWMD permit approvals by others were involved.
US 41 from Bullfrog Creek to Denver Street
This 5-mile urban arterial in Hillsborough County is being rehabilitated. BES Inc is providing design services for Maintenance of Traffic, Lighting, Signalization, Signing and Pavement Marking. Improvements include the reconstruction of the pavement at two major signalized intersections from asphalt to concrete. The Maintenance of Traffic plans involve detours, lane shifts and temporary signals. Coordination with other projects (including upgrades to RR crossings) are on-going to ensure an efficient design. Concrete pavement will be constructed at two signalized intersections (US 41/Pendola Point Road and US41/Port Sutton Road) by the Port of Tampa. There are significant detours, lane shifts associated with the intersection reconstruction. LED street lighting will be provided from Riverview Drive to Denver Street. Crosswalk lighting will be upgraded to 2016 FDOT Standards. The signal at Gibsonton will be reconstructed.
Belcher Road at SR 60
BES Inc is reevaluating the traffic analysis at Belcher Road & SR 60 intersection in March, 2017 median modifications to accommodate extended queues. Modifications were considered for the Build-1 Alternative traffic conditions in 2037, such as closing the median on S. Main Ave (West side of the intersection along SR 60), closing the medians on 1st St and Landry Ave (East side of the intersection along SR 60), and choosing between removing a signal/closing the median, converting to a bi-directional median opening, or retaining the signal and coordinating with the signal at SR 60 for the Walmart-Publix entrance & S. Belcher Rd. signalized intersection (South side of the intersection along S Belcher Rd). The purpose of the traffic analysis was to evaluate the Build-1 Alternative traffic conditions at the intersection for the design year 2037 with the proposed median modifications. Existing traffic volumes were collected as a part of traffic data collection efforts for medians/signalized intersections.
FTE HEFT Widening NW 57th Avenue to Miramar Parkway
The Homestead Extension of Florida’s Turnpike (HEFT) is being widened to eight lanes (three (3) General Use Lanes (GUL) and one (1) Express Lane (EL) in each direction) from NW 57th Avenue to Miramar. BES Inc is developing Signal, Signing and Pavement Marking Plans for this project and providing Quality Control Services for Lighting and ITS Plans. Intersection improvements to increase operation and capacity at each of the ramp intersections with Red Road/NW 57th Avenue and University Drive/SW 27th Avenue are also included. BES personnel also provided review of SAPM and Signal plans.
SR 579/Fletcher Avenue from Florida Avenue to Nebraska Avenue
For this resurfacing project, BES Inc is developing contract plans. A median opening is being modified and ground mounted cantilever signs are being added.
2016 Mobility Fee Update Study
BES is analyzing the adopted transportation plan and generating information from the Central Florida Regional Planning Model relative to travel demands and growth forecasts for different City Mobility Fee districts within the City of Orlando. BES's tasks include Coding City Mobility Fee Districts into the CFRPM6 model network and TAZ file, with Jurisdictional responsibility for roads, summarizing growth forecasts of MetroPlan, summarizing Lynx transit networks/service levels, executing various select-zone assignments using CFRPM6 model, collecting and analyzing road construction costs from FDOT and Orange County.
Tampa-Hillsborough County Expressway Authority (THEA) Trail Lighting
This project involves analysis of the existing street and pedestrian lights in downtown Tampa and identifying deficiencies and recommendations. The study was evaluated utilizing various alternatives for wattages, heights and bracket arms and was based on FDOT lighting design criteria. The project goal was to determine the effect of relocating a street light pole and adding additional street light poles in areas required to meet the lighting criteria. The analyses for the lighting photometric were performed using Lighting Analysts Illumination Engineering program by AGi32.
Orlando Sidewalk Cost Estimate
This project consists of providing a construction cost estimate for the proposed Downtown Connector Trail for the City of Orlando. The cost estimate was necessary to ascertain the level of funding needed to deliver the project. A field review was conducted to determine where the trail will be placed and what the impacts will be on landscaping, utilities, drainage, lighting, etc.
Sarasota Red Light Running Cameras
This project consists of redesigning the City of Sarasota’s red light camera system in conjunction with the City’s vendor RedSpeed. Plans are being developed based on pole locations and specifications provided by RedSpeed.